MeritMade Commentaries - Art Westport!

Kansas City Art Westport MeritMade Jewelry Booth Display Kelly Conner

Oh my goodness, Kansas City!

You loved on us in a way that only the best city in the Midwest can do! You were kind, encouraging, honest, hilarious, caring, inspired, enthusiastic and so genuine.

One of the hidden perks of this job is getting to hear the stories behind the pieces, both when Kelly is creating them and then again when they find their people. And that is how we think of it, that there is one specific person out there for each piece, and getting to be a part of that moment is a truly touching experience. We could blabber on for days, but here are some of the stories that still have our hearts aching in the best way possible.

To the sweet lady who bought the Unakite necklace for her mom, because our handmade clasps would allow her mother, who has M.S.,  the freedom to put on jewelry herself. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

To the groom-to-be who bought a one-of-a-kind piece for his bride to give to her, thank you for making MeritMade part of your story. We have always strived to make tomorrow's heirlooms and you have made our dreams come true. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

To Sean, a transplant to KC, who came to the show JUST to see MeritMade! Those Sonora Sunrise earrings would have been so sad if they didn't meet their person that day. May they guide you into your bliss! Best of luck with the wood working business, and we look forward to getting a beer soon! Thank you for sharing your story with us.

To the gal who picked up a ring for herself, and one for a gift...Your sister really didn't want a spiralizer, you were so right. But more than that, congratulations on treating yourself to a piece as beautiful and unique as you are. We hope you continue to invest in yourself-you are so worth it! Thank you for sharing your story with us.

To friends from high school and college that we haven't seen in years, to total strangers who shared their time with us, to our fellow artists who made the days fly by, to the stockists who shared interest in helping us share our art, to our lady loves who made sure we had all the finishing touches in place, to our partners and families for being so supportive...

Thank you! Thank you for letting us share our stories with you!

- Terra & Kelly